Swedish blueberry juice makes great wine alternative

By Becky Paskin

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Related tags Alcoholic beverage

Swedish blueberry juice makes great wine alternative
New Swedish blueberry juice hits UK to offer non-drinkers a tasty alternative to wine

Pubs and restaurants looking to offer their guests a more exciting non-alcoholic alternative to wine should try out the new Wild Blueberries 100 percent juice from Swedish company Blue Concept.

Blueberries have recently been known as a superfood for their amazing antioxidant properties, and Blue Concept packs 2,300 of them into every bottle of juice. Used in Sweden to help drinkers adhere to its zero tolerance to drink driving, the blueberry juice`s taste is very similar to that of a young red wine, with a long-lasting aftertaste and a strong developed scent that makes it perfect for sipping during a meal to complement meaty dishes.

Veronika Kral, Managing Director of Blue Concept, said: “Its non-sweetness, texture and dryness makes it work extremely well together with a meal, as a red wine would do. And due to its body and texture you sip it rather than drink it in one go as you would with other non-alcoholic alternatives, so socially you are not the odd one out.”

Designated drivers needn’t feel left out at a meal for choosing water or orange juice again, by treating themselves to a healthy, classy option that contains no artificial colours, preservatives or sugar, just 100 per cent wild blueberry juice.

To enjoy at its best, the juice should be left opened for a couple of minutes to rest before serving at room temperature, just like red wine.


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