The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2013: Video interviews with Thomas Keller, Heston Blumenthal and Brett Graham

By Peter Ruddick

- Last updated on GMT

Related tags Best restaurants Michelin guide starred restaurants and chefs

As three Michelin-starred El Celler de Can Roca stole the world's best restaurant title from René Redzepi's Noma, BigHospitality was at The World's 50 Best Restaurants to chat to some of the chefs including Heston Blumenthal, Thomas Keller, Brett Graham, Raymond Blanc and Jason Atherton.
Heston Blumenthal was among the chefs who stopped to chat to BigHospitality

In the build-up to, and during, the event the news team was keeping anyone who couldn't make it to this year's ceremony at London's Guildhall updated with all the latest news, pictures and quotes from the leading lights in the industry. 

You can recap what happened by checking out our live blog here.

BigHospitality also interviewed some of the top world chefs who stopped to chat on the purple carpet, give their predictions on the 2013 list and impart their thoughts on the UK dining scene.

In our exclusive video:

  • Thomas Keller reveals why he thought it would be a good night for D.O.M.
  • Jason Atherton explains why the UK chefs on the list have Raymond Blanc to thank.
  • Tom Kerridge correctly predicts a win for El Celler de Can Roca.
  • Glynn Purnell reveals which restaurant in Bray will always be the world's best to him.
  • Heston Blumenthal suggests why some chefs were nervous about their placing on the list.
  • Brett Graham and Michael Jonsson give their thoughts on the UK dining scene and on which British restaurants might feature on the list in the future.
  • Plus see footage of the moment the Roca brothers found out they had won.
Tom Kerridge, Glynn Purnell and Daniel Clifford were among a number of British chefs in attendance

BigHospitality at The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2013

Don't forget you can still check out all of our coverage from before, during and after the biggest night in the restaurant world calendar:

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