Podcast: James Sommerin on feeding the NHS

By James McAllister

- Last updated on GMT

Chef James Sommerin on feeding the NHS

Related tags UnitedWeStand Coronavirus Wales Fine dining Chefs

The Michelin-starred chef is preparing thousands of meals a week at his Penarth restaurant to feed hospital workers on the front line of the Coronavirus crisis.

What originally started as a way to use up some stock has tuned into a major operation, with Sommerin teaming up with his local Hospital Trust to launch a crowdfunding drive. 

The cash is being used to buy more produce to make simple, hearty dishes including stews, lasagnes and bread and butter pudding that can easily be reheated by staff on the wards. 

With the majority of his staff now on furlough, Sommerin is working alongside his wife and daughter to produce the meals. 

"We just wanted to do our bit and have a bit of fun," he says. "We haven't had much downtime, catering for so many people with so few staff has actually been harder than running the restaurant."

"But it's made me appreciate the family aspect of what we do and also made us think more carefully about work life balance." 

#UnitedWeStand ​has been created by William Reed hospitality titles BigHospitality, Restaurant magazine and Morning Advertiser and is supported by Arla Pro, Britvic, Coca-Cola European Partners, McCain and Unilever Food Solutions.

To download this podcast via iTunes click here. 

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