PACE and People 1st unveil plans for 2014 conference

By Noli Dinkovski

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Related tags Apprenticeship Training Skill

The conference will give the opportunity for employers to build relationships with training providers
The conference will give the opportunity for employers to build relationships with training providers
The Professional Association for Catering Education (PACE) and sector skills council People 1st have unveiled details of their second annual joint learning and development forum to help employers tackle the issues facing the hospitality sector.

The PACE and People 1st learning and development forum, which will be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham from 12 to 14 March, is designed to encourage employers to build better links with both training providers and other employers.

Through a series of workshops and presentations, employers will be given the latest skills policy updates, and how the changes are likely to impact the sector. They will also learn about new training technology, funding, Ofsted inspections and best practice.

Highlights include an introductory speech from People 1st chief executive Brian Wisdom, who will be discussing the key matters of concern for the industry, and a gala dinner speech by De Vere chief executive Robert Cook, who will talk about excellence and the importance of educators and employers working together.

Relationship building

Martin-Christian Kent, research and policy director at People 1st, said that he hoped employers would take advantage of the opportunities the forum presents to build relationships with training providers.

He said: “This forum is the only one of its kind to bring together employers and providers to discuss – and address – the issues that everyone in the industry is facing.

“It’s employers’ chance to have their say about the future skills they need in their business and how these needs can be met.”

According to Kent, the forum would specifically benefit businesses that work nationally, across multiple sites or those thinking of expanding.

“We’ll be holding specific sessions where employers will be able to create links with colleges to help source employees for the future.”

Networking opportunity

Geoff Booth, national chair of PACE, said that the 2014 forum presented both employers and providers with a unique opportunity to network.

He explained: “We’ve got 30,000 hospitality students leaving college each year, yet employers are still struggling to recruit skilled staff members. This suggests employers need to form stronger links with colleges and so they have their say in the skills students are being taught.”

Booth added: “Of course, with the major changes taking place to the way apprenticeships are being run, employers are very much going to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to apprenticeship design and procurement.

“Our forum can help prepare employers to choose a provider that suits them and prepare for the future.”

Forum highlights:

  • Introductory speeches from People 1st chief executive Brian Wisdom and PACE nation chair Geoff Booth.
  • An employer’s perspective from Mitchells & Butlers HR Projects and Funded learning Manager Darren Goodenough.
  • A pre-employment training workshop with People 1st, Vision West Nottinghamshire College and training provider Giraffe.
  • A workshop on the future of apprenticeships, run by People 1st and Hilton Hotels.
  • The latest skills policy changes and the impacts on the hospitality industry, with Martin-Christian Kent of People 1st.
  • How employers and educators can work together to address skills gaps through accreditation and quality mark schemes, with People 1st and The Dorchester.
  • A gala dinner, where guest speaker De Vere chief executive Robert Cook will talk about the importance of educators and employers working together.

People 1st is offering a 50 percent discount to employer partners wishing to attend the event. Anyone wishing to claim the discount should contact naql.qblyr@crbcyr1fg.pb.hx​.

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