Behind the Brigade at The Ritz: Part Four

The fourth episode of our Behind the Brigade series - sponsored by Nisbets - sees The Ritz's executive chef John Williams give us a tour of the dining rooms.

"This sets the stage for a very particular style of cooking," says Williams, looking around The Ritz's palatial William Kent House private dining room.

Built in 1742, the grandiose setting at the Michelin-starred hotel restaurant is arguably one of the country's most ornate places to eat. 

In the fourth and final installment of our Behind the Brigade series, Williams explains the importance of presentation and service at The Ritz, and why a visit to the dining room is now a crucial part of every new chef's induction.

Behind the Brigade at The Ritz is a four-part video series, sponsored by Nisbets. Revisit the BigHospitality website for a full in-depth interview with Williams. Watch Part One, Part Two and Part Three.