Borel, the leader of the industry campaign to achieve a cut to 5 per cent VAT for restaurants, hotels and pubs and bars, recently redesigned the club's logo to represent the new focus on the impact a cut could have on jobs.
Karen Forrester, UK managing director of T.G.I. Friday's, has said the importance the restaurant chain puts on staff led her to support the campaign which now boasts 35 members.
"We have seen from the results of VAT reductions in other countries that there is a direct link to job creation through growth in the eating out industry. At Friday’s we are continually focused on people development and job creation, which in turn drives shareholder value, so we see this as a chance to grow our family further," she said.
For an exclusive interview with Karen Forrester on her leadership of T.G.I. Friday's watch the BigHospitality video below: