Lib Dems propose new ‘binge drinking’ tax on alcohol

By Becky Paskin

- Last updated on GMT

It is thought a 'binge drinking tax' would penalise moderate drinkers
It is thought a 'binge drinking tax' would penalise moderate drinkers
The Liberal Democrats are considering plans for an additional tax on drinks served in town centre pubs and bars to cover the cost of binge drinking.

The tax, which would be paid per drink and borne by the drinkers themselves, would help offset the additional policing and health costs associated with binge drinking.

The measure has been proposed as part of the Lib Dem Local Government Finance Policy consultation for the development of party policy, which amongst other proposals recommends local councils be given the ‘…right and ability to raise additional taxes that they see appropriate for their circumstances.’

But it is thought the introduction of such a tax would come at a disastrous time for the pub industry.

Brigid Simmonds, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “British pubgoers already face some of the highest taxes in the world.

“Beer drinkers pay almost a pound a pint in tax in the pub, and beer tax has risen by a massive 35 per cent in the past three years alone. More taxes are the last thing pubs and pubgoers need.”

A Liberal Democrat spokesman said: "This is not party policy but merely an example of how councils could raise revenues to cover extra costs. It is a small part of a wider consultation into local government funding."

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