White Paper

Why the Hospitality Sector Must Focus on Personalisation

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

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Why the Hospitality Sector Must Focus on Personalisation

As the hospitality sector recovers from COVID, the industry faces significant challenges, from staff shortages to the cost-of-living crisis squeezing disposable income.

Whether the venue is a restaurant, pub, zoo, gym, or theme park, a key goal must be to increase visit value, encourage repeat custom, and drive down marketing costs via efficiency and automation.

Download this report to understand:

  • State of the industry perspectives from leading hospitality industry marketing consultants.
  • How some of the largest challenges and opportunities the hospitality industry faces can be better tackled with customer data.
  • How hospitality venues can gain a competitive advantage with a Customer Data Platform (CDP).
  • The best features the latest customer journey orchestration technology platforms provide.

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