

Hotels "missing a slice of the F&B cake"

By Joe Lutrario

Hotels are missing out on valuable food and beverage sales by not offering customers an incentive at the time of booking, research by CGA and Zonal Retail Data Systems reveals.

trivago hotels online reviews

trivago innovation helps hotels manage online presence

By Melodie Michel

trivago’s new Hotel Manager tool aims to help hoteliers manage their online presence and visibility via a platform providing clear visualisation, advice and the ability to respond to reviews from the site.

Discounts, special offers and online travel agencies have become necessary methods for hoteliers to fill rooms

Survey reveals long-term impact of discounting on hotel brands

By Luke Nicholls

The ‘discounting treadmill’ that has been inescapable for many restaurants appears to have had a similar impact on the hotel industry, with 81 per cent of hoteliers discounting more than they did five years ago and three-quarters claiming it is having...

Setting targets: Six per cent of British hoteliers plan to open a new property in 2014

TripBarometer: Five key developments for UK hoteliers

By Luke Nicholls

With PwC’s latest hotel forecastpredicting ‘a return to some kind of normal’ in 2014, a survey carried out by TripAdvisor has discovered that the majority of UK hoteliers are duly optimistic about their business’s profitability in 2014.