Bank Holiday

Hospitality spending soars over Platinum Jubilee weekend

Hospitality spending soars over Jubilee weekend

By James McAllister

The extended Platinum Jubilee weekend saw spending in hospitality venues soar with restaurants seeing a 41.5% uplift compared to the same period last year, according to data from Barclaycard.

Hospitality set for bumper Jubilee bank holiday with £2.9bn boost predicted

Hospitality set for bumper Jubilee bank holiday

By James McAllister

The UK hospitality industry is set for a bumper Jubilee bank holiday, with some resarch suggesting the sector is set for a £2.9bn boost over the four-day weekend (2-5 June).

Calls grow for June bank holiday petition MP support Steve Baker Lockdown roadmap lifting of restrictions

Calls grow for June bank holiday

By James McAllister

Calls are growing for the Government to make 21 June - the day when it is hoped all final Coronavirus restrictions can be lifted - a bank holiday.

Tourism bank holiday boost

Tourism to enjoy £2.1bn boost over bank holiday

By Carina Perkins

Domestic tourism is set to soar over the August bank holiday, with a quarter of the British population considering an overnight trip during the long weekend, according to the latest data from VisitEngland.

Restaurants set to profit from bank holiday splurge

Restaurants set to profit from bank holiday splurge

By Melodie Michel

Restaurants are set to enjoy a profitable August bank holiday as Brits are planning to spend 120 per cent more than on a normal weekend, according to research by

Restaurants and pubs to benefit from late May bank holiday trade

Restaurants and pubs to benefit from late May bank holiday trade

By Emma Eversham

Restaurants and pubs around the country could be set to experience high levels of trade during the forthcoming bank holiday, after a survey revealed that more than three-quarters of people plan to dine out during the extended weekend.


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